Bark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs. Bark refers to all the tissues outside of the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term. It overlays the wood and consists of the inner bark and the outer bark. The inner bark, which in older stems is living tissue, includes the innermost area of the periderm. The outer bark in older stems includes the dead tissue on the surface of the stems, along with parts of the innermost periderm and all the tissues on the outer side of the periderm. The outer bark on trees which lies external to the last formed periderm is also called the rhytidome.
Products derived from bark include: bark shingle siding and wall coverings,spices and other flavorings, tanbark for tannin, resin, latex, medicines, poisons, various hallucinogenic chemicals and cork. Bark has been used to make cloth, canoes, and ropes and used as a surface for paintings and map making. A number of plants are also grown for their attractive or interesting bark colorations and surface textures or their bark is used as landscape mulch.
Canada Wide Media Limited is an independently owned publishing company in Western Canada, based in Burnaby, British Columbia.
Canada Wide Media Limited co-founder and CEO Peter Legge purchased a ten-cent magazine in 1976 and grew it into one of Canada’s most successful print and digital media companies. Canada Wide Media now employs more than 130 media professionals and is the largest independently owned magazine publishing company in Western Canada.
Bark is a municipality in the district of Segeberg, in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.
Aise (Greek: Αϊσέ, Turkish: Ayşe), is an instrumental dance tune common throughout the eastern Mediterranean. Sections of its melody are found as part of “Selanik”(“Thessalonikê”), a tune from Macedonia; in apiece by the Ottoman Armenian composer Tatyos Efendi; and in the song, “Love’s Like a Pin,”from Asia Minor and Propontis (for a recording, see Songs and Tunes of Thrace, CUP CD 7-8, 1:3). What was probably the first recording has also been identified: a 78 made in Cairo in 1910 under the title, “Bulbul Al-Afrah” (“The Happy Nightingale”), with the Jewish musician Ibrahim Sahalun ’s Takht on violin.In Lesvos, the tune is called “Aisé” (a Turkish female name). It may have had lyrics at some point in the past and was most commonly performed in the west of the island. The tune is characteristic of the petachtos karsilamas, a term that refers to an entire category of dance performed to tunes with a very rapid time signature (although today,thanks to the choreographic intervention of the dance association, it is presented as a “chair dance”). This type of karsilamas is also called aïdinikos (see the section ondance), and the rhythm has nine beats (2+2+2+3).
The Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (Italian for "External Intelligence and Security Agency"), commonly known as AISE and formerly known as SISMI, is the foreign intelligence service of Italy. Operating outside Italy the organisation protects Italy's regional interests mainly through the use of HUMINT (Human intelligence). Counterparts in other countries include MI6, CIA and DGSE.
The agency is currently headed by General Alberto Manenti.
Since the end of World War II, Italian intelligence agencies have been reorganized many times:
in an attempt to increase their effectiveness and bring them more fully under civilian control.
AISE was founded in 2007 with the reform of the intelligence agencies provided by the Italian 3 August 2007, n. 124 law: new agencies were formed as the Department of Information Security (DIS) and the Homeland Security and Information Agency (AISI).
Tengo que decÃrtelo
No entiendo lo que me pasó
No la volveré a ver, ella no es para mi
Sos la primera, créelo
No lo pude controlar
Ella me vino a conquistar
Y por casualidad, solo casualidad
No me logré despegar
Y ahora que se te vas
Me estoy volviendo loco
Yo lo quiero controlar
Pero no puedo si te vas
A veces perdemos, lo que más queremos
No nos queda más que hablar
Antes de pedir perdón
Te dà toda una explicación
No fué casualidad, no fué casualidad
Ya no querÃa estar con vos
Y ahora que se te vas
Me estoy volviendo loco
Yo lo quiero controlar
Pero no puedo si te vas
Y por casualidad, solo casualidad
Yo no me logré despegar
Y ahora que se te vas