LONDON -- The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a power outage that shuttered Europe's busiest air travel hub ... .
LONDON (AP) — The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a power outage that shuttered Europe’s busiest air travel hub ... .
London. The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a power outage that forced the closure of Europe’s busiest air travel hub ... .
The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a power outage that shuttered Europe's busiest air travel hub ... .
LONDON (AP) — The first plane landed at Heathrow Airport late Friday, about 18 hours after an inferno at an electrical substation caused a power outage that shuttered Europe’s busiest air travel hub.
Dozens of planes from the US, the Caribbean and India were forced to be turned around in mid-air ... More than 200,000 passengers had their flights shelved on Friday after the airport announced it would be closed until 11.59pm as a result of the inferno.
Video showed scuba divers swimming away from the inferno on Sunday ...Police revealed that crew member Tae was filling scuba oxygen tanks with compressed air close to the boat’s engine room when one of them exploded causing the inferno.Read More.
Police revealed that crew member Tae was filling scuba oxygen tanks with compressed air close to the boat’s engine room when one of them exploded causing the inferno ... The compressed air in the tanks ...
A major oil refinery just 55 miles from the Kremlin dictator's £1 billion clifftop palace on the Black Sea was also hit in a strike triggering ten explosions followed by a massive inferno ... The inferno ...