Àisīqí (艾思奇)[1] is the penname of Li Sheng-Hsuen (李生萱, 1910–1966), a Yunnan Mongol Chinese philosopher and author. He was born in Yunnan, later traveling to Hong Kong, where he studied English and French at a Protestant school and was exposed to Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People and Marxism. He read a great deal of Marxism, including "Communist Manifesto", in Japanese translation. This reading is the root of Ai’s most important works Historical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism (歷史唯物主義與辯証唯物主義) and Philosophy for the Masses (大眾哲學)(1948).

In the small tourist town of Heshun near in Tengchong County, western Yunnan Province, China, there is a small museum dedicated to Aisiqi. It is based in his former house where he lived for two years. It contains pictures, personal items and a statue of him in the yard of the compound.

Secondary literature [link]

  • Joshua A. Fogel, "Aisiqi, Establishment Intellectual by Joshua A. Fogel", in Merle Goldman, Timothy Cheek, and Carol Lee Hamrin, eds., China's Intellectuals and the State: In Search of a New Relationship (Harvard University Asia Center, 1987).
  • Китайская философия. Энциклопедический словарь. М., 1994 — С.12-13. ISBN 5-244-00757-2

References [link]

  1. ^ This name origined from the Wide-Giles of his real name.




Ballad Of Richard K

by: Asg

Keep down by the ones who sat by your side
Guts blushing on a night shadow lonley pize
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
In the path of my foes, left to die
Visions of the highway
I bent back into the light
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Ten seconds till the blackout parts with his crime
Got money don't buy in, dont buy the light
In the house with no home, cut to size
Hoplessly divided
I bent down into the knife
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can't sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
Lay down, got rythem
Where trying to find it
On stage like a luminous gunner
Where trying to find it
Well your god won't smile
And your conscience can' sleep
Someone in the wind as fire flies
Against your sheild
What if i killed you all
Would it build me up
Someone in the wind as fire flies
