Ahura is an Avestan language designation for a particular class of Zoroastrian angelic divinities.
Avestan ahura derives from Indo-Iranian *asura, also attested in an Indian context as RigVedic asura. As suggested by the similarity to the Old Norse æsir, Indo-Iranian *asura may have an even earlier Indo-European root.
It is commonly supposed that Indo-Iranian *Asura was the proper name of a specific divinity, with whom other divinities were then identified.
For not altogether obvious reasons, the Oxford English Dictionary lists asura, rather than ahura, as a Zoroastrian term.
In the Gathas, the oldest hymns of Zoroastrianism and thought to have been composed by Zoroaster himself, the prophet exhorts his followers to pay reverence to only the ahuras, and to rebuff the daevas and others who act "at Lie's command". This should not however be construed to reflect a view of a primordial opposition: Although the daevas would in later Zoroastrian tradition appear as malign creatures, in the Gathas the daevas are (collectively) gods that are to be rejected. (see daeva for details)
Ahura is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character is usually depicted as a member of the Inhumans species. Ahura was created by Ann Nocenti and Bret Blevins and first makes an appearance in Marvel Graphic Novel: The Inhumans (1988).
Ahura is the son of Black Bolt and Medusa of the Inhumans. He was conceived without permission of the Genetics Council. Having met with unbearable resistance by the Council and her own husband, Medusa sneaked away to Earth with a group of friends and allies. Medusa would give birth in an out-of-the-way house, the area guarded and cleared of pollutants by the powers of the group.
Ahura's birth cry demonstrated his father's devastating power, but this evolved into a psionic "evil eye" power that can cause death. He was taken by the Council and sent to Earth. His spacecraft crashed and he was taken in by a childless couple and named "Pope". He grew unnaturally quickly and it was in this period that his "evil eye" power replaced his vocal powers. He was put in danger after the local townspeople mistakenly believed that he had maliciously killed a goat with his powers. Gorgon, Karnak, Daredevil, Brandy Ash and Number Nine came to rescue him, though their goodwill mission was interrupted by the demonic Blackheart. The entire group was taken to Hell. Although Brandy is murdered by Mephisto in the escape, Ahura is able to see Brandy's spirit form.
Si cada vez que fui buscando suerte, con nada en mi bolsillo me volví.
Ahora sé que algo equivocado, obscurecía mi pasado, y a entender el mundo aprendí.
"La paz no puede existir sin guerras" y "Sin mentiras no habría verdad", esto es lo que cuentan a la gente y se lo creerán, no me gusta y no me puedo acostumbrar.
Lo intento y no lo entiendo,
todo esto no lo aguanto.
Toda la vida, toda una vida,
caracolear buscando salida,
tú sabes que esta es mi forma
de vivir pa' llegar pa'arriba.
Toda la vida, toda una vida,
me quedaré a curar mis heridas,
y alguna vez (amando),
y alguna vez llorando.
Aprendo día con día a marcharme lejos sin volver atrás.
Me han dicho que "Sufrir te hace más fuerte" que "El olvido todo hace pasar"
y de tan'dolor que yo he probado,
solo y triste me he quedado,
mirando mis heridas olvidar.
Lo intento y no lo logro,
todo esto no lo aguanto.
Qué estás haciendo tú para evitar la trampa del pecado capital?
Por qué serás juzgado que no sea pasado por Allá?
No pierdan tiempo pa'decirme
quién yo soy, prefiero descubrirlo yo,
lo que con mi cabeza llego a pensar.
Si Dios perdona a todos,
tendrá que perdonarme,
si decidí que nada podrá cambiarme.