Angra Mainyu (also: Aŋra Mainiiu) is the Avestan-language name of Zoroastrianism's hypostasis of the "destructive spirit". The Middle Persian equivalent is Ahriman (Anglicised pronunciation: /ˈɑːrɪmən/).
Avestan angra mainyu "seems to have been an original conception of Zoroaster's." In the Gathas, which are the oldest texts of Zoroastrianism and are attributed to the prophet himself, angra mainyu is not yet a proper name. In the one instance in these hymns where the two words appear together, the concept spoken of is that of a mainyu ("mind", "mentality", "spirit" etc.) that is angra ("destructive", "inhibitive", "malign" etc, of which a manifestation can be anger). In this single instance—in Yasna 45.2—the "more bounteous of the spirits twain" declares angra mainyu to be its "absolute antithesis".
A similar statement occurs in Yasna 30.3, where the antithesis is however aka mainyu, aka being the Avestan language word for "evil". Hence, aka mainyu is the "evil spirit" or "evil mind" or "evil thought," as contrasted with spenta mainyu, the "bounteous spirit" with which Ahura Mazda conceived of creation, which then "was".
Ahriman is a fictional character from Highlander: The Series.
Every thousand years, the Zoroastrian demon Ahriman returns to wreak havoc on the Earth. He had been defeated centuries ago by an Immortal named Timothy of Gilliam. An archaeologist warned Duncan MacLeod that he was the champion chosen to do battle with the forces of evil, namely Ahriman. Duncan was skeptical, until he saw people he had killed, such as James Horton and Kronos, alive and well. Others thought Duncan was losing his mind, and when he accidentally killed Richie Ryan because he thought Richie was Ahriman, Duncan felt a deep resentment and retreated to a monastery. For one year, Duncan was missing on the Watcher's database, and even Joe Dawson couldn't find him. One year later, Duncan returned to Paris to visit Richie's grave and met Ahriman who was disguised as Kronos and Horton. Duncan vowed to destroy Ahriman. A mysterious woman named Sophie Baines knew how to defeat the demon, and although she had died, her spirit guided Duncan and, along with the help of Joe and Father Beaufort, allowed Duncan to defeat the evil demon.
In the table-top wargame Warhammer 40,000, the Chaos Space Marines or Chaos Marines, are Space Marines who serve the Chaos Gods. They are also referred to as the Traitor Legions, primarily in background material written from the perspective of the Imperium.
The background shown in both Codex: Space Marines (Haines and McNeill, 2004) and Codex: Chaos Space Marines (Chambers et al., 2002) states that the Chaos Marine Legions were nine of the twenty Legions of Space Marines who fought in the Great Crusade for the Imperium of Man. At this time the Warmaster Horus, first among the Primarchs, and the Luna Wolves (later the "Sons of Horus") were corrupted by Chaos and instigated the galaxy-wide civil war known as the Horus Heresy.
Further background to the Chaos Space Marines is explored in detail in the 'Horus Heresy' series of novels. After the death of Horus and the end of the Heresy, the remnants of the nine Legions along with the other Imperial forces that had joined Horus escaped into an area of the galaxy known as the Eye of Terror. Due to the nature of Chaos, and the temporal instability of the Warp, the very same Chaos Marines who revolted against the Emperor continue to fight against the Imperium.
Oltárom a fagyöngy, szomjamnak nyugtatója.
Oltárom az emberi csont, életemnek földi porja.
Oltárom a késem, véremnek utat mutatója.
Oltárom a természet hangja, a mindenség megalkotója.
A homály, a rejtély, a vágyódás, a beavatás.
Szorongás, félelem, titokzatosság, a megfoghatatlan.
A dob szelleme, a bagoly lelke, a hold szeme, a rét ereje.
Testvéreim keze. Hitem tüze. Dallamos igéje. A kapu kulcsa.
On my altar a mistletoe, calming my thrist
On my altar the human bone, terral sand of my life
On my altar my knife, showing the way of my blood
Voice of the nature on my altar, creator of the universe.
The mist, the mystery, the desire, the initation.
Anxiety, fright, secretfulness, the inconceivabl.
Spirit of the drum, soul of owl, eye of the moon, strength of the field.
Had of my brothers. Fire of my faith. Words of the tunes. Key to the gate.
Voice of the river, the orator of fright, flying tortures in the kettle, mingle of doubt
Where power is endless, and anonymously dark, bringing fog on our eyes, conscious hope
The seal of respect gets on our soul's shield, I bend forward with respect in the feast, over image of the gate
Carved bodies with entwined hands, the last sign of the power of the round gate
We step through the gate of the naturem at the end of the floor, we find rest
There was a time when man spoke through souls the dead looked after our steps
Once man hoped with mind, so as the son of the mountain, the stone crashes their heart