Agitprop! Records
Agitprop! Records is a 'revolutionary hardcore and hip hop' independent record label based in Boston, USA, founded by Angela Tavares.
One of the label's notable releases is the compilation Stand Up & Fucking Fight For It, its first full-length CD, released in 2002. The recording features queercore bands such as Fagatron, Best Revenge, The Rotten Fruits, Kids like Us and others, and is one of a handful of queercore compilations to be released. Tavares said in the Fanorama zine, "I was 17 or 18 when I came out, and very much into hardcore and punk. It was weird being involved in these two different 'communities' - one that, at times, could be overrun with homophobia and heterosexism, and the other which I could find very little in common with other than that we fucked the same." She said that the compilation was inspired largely by the Outpunk label and its early-90's Outpunk Dance Party, though she added that despite its reputation, Agitprop! is not specifically a "queer" label.