Agaw languages
The Agaw or Central Cushitic languages are spoken by small groups in Ethiopia and, in one case, Eritrea. They form the main substratum influence on Amharic and other Ethiopian Semitic languages.
The Central Cushitic languages are classified as follows (after Appleyard):
Awngi (South Agaw) spoken southwest of Lake Tana, much the largest, with over 350,000 speakers
Northern Agaw:
Blin (North) spoken in Eritrea around the town of Keren (70,000 speakers)
Xamtanga (Central Agaw; also called Khamir, Khamta) 143,000 speakers in the North Amhara Region
Qimant (Western Agaw) nearly extinct, spoken by the Qemant in Semien Gondar Zone
There is a rich literature in Agaw but it is widely dispersed: from fascinating mediaeval texts in the Qimant language, now mostly in Israeli museums, to the modern, flourishing and topical in the Blin language, with its own newspaper, based in Keren, Eritrea. Much historical material is also available in the Xamtanga language, and there is a deep tradition of folklore in the Awngi language.