After the Rain is an Iranian television series produced for IRIB TV3 created by Saeed Soltani. This film is about a story in Reza Shah era.
One of the Guilan governors wife is unable to make a child, so decided to choose a second wife for his husband...
After the Rain may refer to:
After the Rain is a play by John Griffith Bowen, based on his 1958 novel about a 200-year flood. The action takes place in a university lecture hall two centuries after a massive rainfall.
The play's first English staging was at the Hampstead Theatre in 1966, and was notable for involving the audience in the action of the play by situating them as students in a lecture hall.
Its U.S. premiere on Oct. 9, 1967 at the John Golden Theater in New York City starred Alec McCowen and was directed by Vivian Matalon. It received a good review in the New York Times but only ran a short time.
I've conjured my visions awake
To render excitement to pride
I visit the old for this sake
And credulously follow the guide,
A natural thought which I can't omit
Outspoken by the sagacious alp
Leading upwards to the summit
That the luminary sun scalps
Thousands of obstacles pass my way
Mile-wide rivers and abyss-deep questionings
Within the senses I feel astray
Effected by the human reasoning
The greatest alp is my own perception
Of my skills in relation to the rock
So, the highest summit is the senses' inception
Not a planestesimal or material parrock
At childhood I started to climb manhood
At manhood I climb the future
Progression is the only ladder, good
Enough to mount failure
To my awareness I am the same factor
As the blizzard is to the mountainside
A both creative and destructive actor
That carries the circumstances inside