Aerozine 50 is a 50/50 mix by weight of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). Originally developed in the late 1950s by Aerojet General Corporation as a storable, high-energy, hypergolic fuel for the Titan II ICBM rocket engines, Aerozine continues in wide use as a rocket fuel, typically with dinitrogen tetroxide as the oxidizer, with which it is hypergolic. Aerozine 50 is more stable than hydrazine alone, and has a higher density and boiling point than UDMH alone.
By cutting straight hydrazine, hydrazine's inconveniently high freezing point of 2°C is lowered through freezing point depression. In addition, UDMH is a more stable molecule; this reduces the chances of straight hydrazine decomposing unexpectedly, increasing safety and allowing the blend to be used as a coolant in regeneratively cooled engines.
Hydrazine may also be mixed with monomethyl hydrazine (MMH). Because MMH is slightly denser, net performance is increased slightly.
This type of fuel is mainly used for interplanetary probes and spacecraft propulsion because unlike other more common propellants like liquid oxygen or liquid hydrogen Aerozine 50 is liquid at room temperature and can be stored in liquid state without significant boil off, thus making it a storable propellant better suited for long term interplanetary missions. Aerozine 50 was largely used in ICBMs and in their derivative launchers such as the core stages of the Titan-II/III/IV rocket because an ICBM requires long term storage and launch on short notice; the rocket must be stored already fueled. This fuel was also used in ICBM heritage upper stages, such as the Delta II rocket. It was also used by the Apollo Lunar Module and the Service Propulsion System engine in the Apollo CSM. The Ariane 1 through Ariane 4 family used a related fuel, a mixture of 75% UDMH and 25% hydrazine hydrate called UH 25.
Maybe we're just getting older
But the songs, they ain't the same
I'm tired of living from day to day
You're still playing them fucking games
I just don't look at things the same
But my mind's growing more every day
In my mind I've started to see things clearer
Now I know who I am when I look in that fuckin mirror
In the mirror
It's too bad we've had to go through so much pain
But that pain, it made me go
That pain, it kept me moving
That pain, it helped me grow
I just don't look at things the same
But my mind's growing more every day
In my mind I've started to see things clearer
Now I know who I am when I look in that fucking mirror
In the mirror
It's too bad we had to go through so much pain
But that pain it made me go
That pain it kept me moving
That pain is what will always help me grow and grow and grow