
An Aerogram, Aérogramme, Air Letter or Airletter is a thin lightweight piece of foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter for transit via airmail, in which the letter and envelope are one and the same. Most postal administrations forbid enclosures in these light letters, which are usually sent abroad at a preferential rate. Printed warnings existed to say that an enclosure would cause the mail to go at the higher letter rate.

The use of the term aerogramme was officially endorsed at the 1952 Universal Postal Union Postal Union Congress in Brussels. Thereafter, the term air letter quickly faded from use.

Most aerograms have an imprinted stamp indicating the prepayment of postage. As such, this meets the definition of being postal stationery. However, some countries such as New Zealand, Zimbabwe and Ireland, sell unstamped aerograms. Unstamped aerograms are referred to as formular aerograms and can be issued by either postal authorities or by private companies. Senders are required to write their name and address on the reverse.



No Really, Everything's Fine

by: Aereogramme

The reason we're all disfigured
I will say it again
The reason we're all disappointed
With innocence lost
You're alone
You can feel the resentment
Burning a pathway
Straight to your heart
I saw kingdom come
Maybe your life is wonderful
I wish you well
Please understand I won't change you
So grant me the same
I know this
There's a plain white horizon
I want it so badly
It seems after all
That you will be done
And it's done
Reaching on out
And it's done
We are all defenceless now
On your own you left somehow
With these broken bones
These broken bones
But I am one with these chains
Come around and I regain
With my broken bones
My broken bones
The reason we're all disfigured
I will say it again
The reason we're all disappointed
With innocence lost
You're alone
You can feel the resentment
Burning a pathway
Straight to your heart
