The sex industry (also called the sex trade) consists of businesses which either directly or indirectly provide sex-related products and services or adult entertainment. The industry includes activities involving direct provision of sex-related services, such as prostitution, and sex-related pastimes, such as pornography, sex-oriented men's magazines, sex movies, sex toys and fetish and BDSM paraphernalia. Sex channels for television and pre-paid sex movies for on demand, are part of the sex industry, as are adult movie theaters, sex shops, and strip clubs.
Prostitution is a main component of the sex industry, and may take place in a brothel, at a facility provided by the prostitute, at a client's hotel room, in a parked car, or on the street. Often this is arranged through a pimp or an escort agency. Prostitution involves a prostitute or sex worker providing direct sexual services to a client. In some cases the prostitute is at liberty to determine whether she or he will engage in a particular type of sexual activity, but forced prostitution and sexual slavery does exist in some places around the world.
Adult Entertainment is Raffi's third LP album for his Troubadour label, released in 1977. This is the second of two records Raffi made with adult listeners in mind (the first being Good Luck Boy (1975)). Apart from several self-penned songs, Raffi also covers songs from Jesse Winchester ("Yankee Lady") and fellow Canadian folk artist Stan Rogers ("Forty-Five Years"). This album was later released as "Lovelight" (1980). It is currently not available in CD format.
i think you should know. we're uninvited. i think we
should go. so don't get excited. don't get excited. but i
can give them what they want. i know it's entertainment.
save it up for another day. i try to leave but you follow
me. you break my mind in a subtle way. i guess i'm just a
casualty of entertainment. don't tell me i shrug my
shoulders. even atlas lost his balance. but i can give
them what they want. i know it's entertainment. save it
up for another day. i try to leave but you follow me. you
break my mind in a subtle way. i guess i'm just a