The Aduatuci or Atuatuci were, according to Caesar, a Germanic tribe who had been allowed to settle amongst the Germanic tribes living in east Belgium. They descended from the Cimbri and Teutones, who were tribes thought to have originated in the area of Denmark. Much later, the Aduatuci sent troops to assist their Belgic neighbours, especially the Nervii, in the Battle of the Sabis, but were too late. They were later defeated by the Romans after withdrawing to a fortified city. After their defeat by Caesar they disappear from the written record, but their survivors possibly contributed to the later tribal grouping known as the Tungri in Roman imperial times.
Before the Roman attack in 57 BC the oppidum of the Aduatuci (possible modern day Namur in Belgium or near the city of Thuin) were home to 57,000 including refugees fleeing the Romans. The oppidum of the Aduatuci were seized by the Romans and after the fall of the city with 4,000 dead the entire surviving population of 53,000 were sold as slaves.
Written by Jedd Hughes, Terry McBride and Tommy Lee James
Well, here I am again
Bartender says it's closing time
He knows I'll keep coming back
And you're the reason why
I could never drink enough
To drink you off my mind
Time to say goodnight
I think I've stared a hole
In every wall in this old place
Heaven knows I'm tired of seeing
You in every face
Everybody here's seen every tear
I've tried to hide
Time to say goodnight
Sweet dreams, baby
Sweet dreams, baby
Wherever you are tonight
I miss you, baby
Sweet dreams, baby
Time to say goodnight
I lay my head down on my pillow
And try to find some sleep
I close my eyes and pray someday
That you'll come back to me
I put my dreams of you to bed
And then turn out the light
Time to say goodnight
Time to say goodnight