Adolph Koeppel
Adolph Koeppel (11 April 1923 – 14 March 2009) was a distinguished American philatelist and author who wrote a number of authoratitive works on the revenue stamps of India and Italy that remain the standard works in their areas.
Prize-winning collections
In 1989 Koeppel, with Ernest Raymond Douglas Manners (1929-1996), won the Crawford Medal from the Royal Philatelic Society London for the first two volumes of their work on Indian court fee stamps.
Keoppel's collection of British Empire impressed duty stamps, along with the W.J. Pieterse collection, formed the basis for The Impressed Duty Stamps of The British Colonial Empire (A Preliminary Listing) by William A. Barber published in 1988. An update to the 1988 edition of this catalogue (by Wm. A. Barber and Norman Seidelman) was released in 2009.
Philatelic publications
New Discovery From British Archives on The 1765 Tax Stamps For America, American Revenue Association, Boyertown, 1962. (Editor).
"The Fiscal Stamps of North Borneo" in The American Revenuer, December 1973.