Adjunction formula
In mathematics, especially in algebraic geometry and the theory of complex manifolds, the adjunction formula relates the canonical bundle of a variety and a hypersurface inside that variety. It is often used to deduce facts about varieties embedded in well-behaved spaces such as projective space or to prove theorems by induction.
Adjunction for smooth varieties
Formula for a smooth subvariety
Let X be a smooth algebraic variety or smooth complex manifold and Y be a smooth subvariety of X. Denote the inclusion map Y → X by i and the ideal sheaf of Y in X by
. The conormal exact sequence for i is
where Ω denotes a cotangent bundle. The determinant of this exact sequence is a natural isomorphism
denotes the dual of a line bundle.
The particular case of a smooth divisor
Suppose that D is a smooth divisor on X. Its normal bundle extends to a line bundle
on X, and the ideal sheaf of D corresponds to its dual
. The conormal bundle
, which, combined with the formula above, gives