An adit (from Latin aditus, entrance) is an entrance to an underground mine which is horizontal or nearly horizontal, by which the mine can be entered, drained of water, ventilated, and minerals extracted at the lowest convenient level. Adits are also used to explore for mineral veins.
Adits are driven into the side of a hill or mountain, and are often used when an ore body is located inside the mountain but above the adjacent valley floor or coastal plain. In cases where the mineral vein outcrops at the surface, the adit may follow the lode or vein until it is worked out, in this case the adit is rarely straight. The use of adits for the extraction of ore is generally called drift mining.
Adits can only be driven into a mine where the local topography permits. There will be no opportunity to drive an adit to a mine situated on a large flat plain, for instance. Also if the ground is weak, the cost of shoring up a long adit may outweigh its possible advantages.
It's a temple for the worshipers of human decay
she'll be known to all their offspring as the queen of flies
in a mud infested ravel of a fallen house
lie the body of the woman who was never found
and the maggots eat away all sign of recognize
she'll be known to all their offspring as the queen of flies
her flesh will their shelter and her hair will be their hide
she'll be the home of pestulance, a vengance genocide
and her bones will be chalk that cleans the tidal wave
of anything organic, that's not worth to save
death is so unfasionable
flesh that falls of bones
the end comes creepin round the bend
death is so unfasionable
makes your colors gray
what makes me say such things
it makes you hate me
so this whore will be the mother of a million things
that longer down the line will complete a ring
when her bodyfat is turned into a stinking pond
its forgotten that she died with her makeup on
and the hamridge that she has upon her naked skull
was once a place for wirship for the white and dull
and the dress she wore that day that she was swept away