Adelphi Edizioni
Adelphi Edizioni S.p.A. is an Italian publishing house whose headquarters are in 14, via S. Giovanni sul Muro, Milan, Italy.
Adelphi Edizioni was founded in 1962 by Luciano Foà and Roberto Olivetti. Contributors have included Roberto Bazlen, Giorgio Colli, Sergio Solmi, Claudio Rugafiori and Roberto Calasso, the last of whom became editorial director. Since 2001 the company has published the literary magazine Adelphiana, whose articles are available online . Currently (in 2006), 48% of Adelphi is owned by Rcs MediaGroup (the publisher of Corriere della Sera).
Publishing approach
Adelphi is often associated in Italy with the spread of Middle-European culture. Up until the beginning of the 1970s, mitteleuropean literature was looked upon with suspect in Italy, but from the mid 1970s the taste for it evolved. In France, by comparison, it took grip from the 1980s, while in Germany is still met with difficulty. An example is Austrian author Alexander Lernet-Holenia, which is not republished in Germany, where is often dismissed as "too cynic, shallow, witty, and is considered as some kind of juggler."