Adam Back

Adam Back (born July 1970) is a British cryptographer and crypto-hacker.

He is the inventor of hashcash, the proof-of-work system used by bitcoin and several anti-spam systems. Hashcash has also been used in a number of other protocols such as combating blog spam, and defending against user namespace pollution.

He implemented credlib, a library that implements the credential systems of Stefan Brands and David Chaum.

He was the first to formalize the Non-Interactive Forward-Secrecy security property for email and to observe that any Identity Based Encryption scheme can be used to provide Non-Interactive Forward Secrecy.

He is also known for pioneering the use of ultra-compact code with his 3-line RSA in Perlsignature file and non-exportable T-shirts to protest the (now relaxed) United States cryptography export regulations.

Today he is President of Blockstream, a company that seeks to further the development of bitcoin and blockchain technology.

He has a computer science Ph.D. from University of Exeter.

Adam (given name)

Adam is a common masculine given name.

The personal name Adam derives from the Hebrew noun ha adamah meaning "the ground" or "earth". It is still a Hebrew given name, and its Quranic and Biblical usage has ensured that it is also a common name in all countries which draw on these traditions. It is particularly common in Christian- and Muslim-majority countries. In most languages its spelling is the same, although the pronunciation varies somewhat. Adán is the Spanish form of this name.

Adam is also a surname in many countries, although it is not as common in English as its derivative Adams (sometimes spelled Addams). In other languages there are similar surnames derived from Adam, such as Adamo, Adamov, Adamowicz, Adamski etc.

In Arabic, Adam (آدم) means "made from the earth/mud/clay".


  • Arabic: آدم
  • Armenian: Ադամ (Adam)
  • Belarusian: Адам (Adam)
  • Bengali: আদম (Ādama)
  • Bulgarian: Адам (Adam)
  • Chinese Simplified: 亚当 (Yàdāng)
  • Chinese Traditional: 亞當 (Yàdāng)
  • Greek: Αδάμ (Adám)
  • Roger Adam

    Roger Adam was a French aircraft designer and manufacturer who produced light aircraft in kit from 1948 to 1955. He established the firm Etablissements Aeronautiques R. Adam.

    Aircraft Designs Produced

  • Adam RA-14 Loisirs
  • Adam RA-15 Major
  • Adam RA-17

  • Adam (Ravenloft)

    Adam is a fictional character; from the Ravenloft campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.

    Publication history

    Adam was a major character in the 1994 novel, Mordenheim, written by Chet Williamson.

    Fictional character biography

    Adam is the darklord of Lamordia. Known as Mordenheim's Monster or the Creature, he is an extremely intelligent and nimble dread flesh golem, based on Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Adam is the most successful creation of Dr. Victor Mordenheim in his research into the creation of life, albeit the one that causes him grief unmeasured. Adam reduced the doctor's wife Elise to a vegetative state and apparently murdered their adopted daughter Eva.

    The two are inextricably bound together: Dr. Mordenheim has Adam's immortality, and in return Adam shares the doctor's anguish.

    Usually hidden from sight, Adam is believed to spend most of his time on the Isle of Agony, part of the archipelago known as the Finger.



  • Cermak, Andrew, John W. Mangrum, and Andrew Wyatt. Secrets of the Dread Realms (White Wolf Publishing, 2001).
  • Podcasts:
