Adad in Akkadian and Ishkur in Sumerian, are the names of the storm-god in the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian pantheon. The two names are usually written by the logogram dIM. The Akkadian god Adad was the northwest Semitic god Hadad introduced to Mesopotamia most probably by the Amorites.
In Akkadian, Adad is also known as Ramman ("Thunderer") cognate with Aramaic Rimmon which was a byname of the Aramaic/ Arabic Hadad. Ramman was formerly incorrectly taken by many scholars to be an independent Assyrian-Babylonian god later identified with the Amorite god Hadad.
The Sumerian Ishkur appears in the list of gods found at Fara but was of far less importance than the Akkadian Adad later became, probably partly because storms and rain are scarce in southern Babylonia and agriculture there depends on irrigation instead. Also, the gods Enlil and the Assyrian Ninurta also had storm god features which decreased Ishkur's distinctiveness. He sometimes appears as the assistant or companion of one or the other of the two.
An auto dialer, autodialer, or autodialler is an electronic device or software that automatically dials telephone numbers. Once the call has been answered, the autodialer either plays a recorded message or connects the call to a live person.
When an autodialer plays a pre-recorded message, it's often called "voice broadcasting", or "robocalling". Some voice broadcasting messages ask the person who answers to press a button on their phone keypad, such as in opinion polls in which recipients are asked to press one digit if they support one side of an issue, or another digit if they support the other side. This type of call is often called "outbound interactive voice response".
When an autodialer connects an answered call to a live agent, it is often called a "predictive dialer" or "power dialer". A predictive dialer uses realtime analysis to determine the optimal time to dial more numbers, whereas a power dialer simply dials a pre-set number of lines when an agent finishes the previous call.
It's a temple for the worshipers of human decay
she'll be known to all their offspring as the queen of flies
in a mud infested ravel of a fallen house
lie the body of the woman who was never found
and the maggots eat away all sign of recognize
she'll be known to all their offspring as the queen of flies
her flesh will their shelter and her hair will be their hide
she'll be the home of pestulance, a vengance genocide
and her bones will be chalk that cleans the tidal wave
of anything organic, that's not worth to save
death is so unfasionable
flesh that falls of bones
the end comes creepin round the bend
death is so unfasionable
makes your colors gray
what makes me say such things
it makes you hate me
so this whore will be the mother of a million things
that longer down the line will complete a ring
when her bodyfat is turned into a stinking pond
its forgotten that she died with her makeup on
and the hamridge that she has upon her naked skull
was once a place for wirship for the white and dull
and the dress she wore that day that she was swept away