Ada Gospels

The Ada Gospels (Trier, Stadtbibliothek, Codex 22) is a late eighth century or early ninth century Carolingian gospel book in the Stadtbibliothek, Trier, Germany. The manuscript contains a dedication to Charlemagne's sister Ada, whence it gets its name. The manuscript is written on vellum in Carolingian minuscule. It measures 14.5 by 9.625 inches. The Ada Gospels are one of a group of manuscript illuminations by a circle of scriptoria that represent what modern scholars call the "Ada School". Other products of the Ada School include the Soissons Gospels, Harley Golden Gospels, Godescalc Evangelistary and the Lorsch Gospels; ten manuscripts in total are usually recognised.

The manuscript is illuminated. Its illuminations include an elaborate initial page for the Gospel of Matthew and portraits of Matthew, Mark and Luke. The illuminations show Insular, Italian and Byzantine influences. The Evangelist portraits show a firm grasp of Classical style typical of the Carolingian Renaissance.



Ye Uttuku Spells

by: Absu

ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
At nightfall, burgundy eyes arise
Beginning of the cosmic dances
Surrealistic, the serpent's command
Ugallu, obey the magus' rule
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
A frenzied rupture opens the stone
Out pours the beam and the shaft of light
Point it straight to the mountain's zenith
Ye Utukku awake, Utukku
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
Unrestrained, the light razes the night
Savage, causer of the mystical
Bring the Ginyaatlie of lava
Achieve theory from the mythical
Nisir - Tedloonetaa of salvation
Nisir - Mountain of elevation
Kukhwa - Burn over the dome
Ye Utukku awake, ye Absu rage
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos
ABSU - Balance the serpent
ANNIHILATE - the seeds of real
ABANDON - the standard dimension feel
ASSIMILATE - the logic of chaos

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Nigeria . 22 minutes ago ... Spicing up the ceremony, gospel artiste Ada Ehi delivered a medley of gospel songs that not only uplifted the crowd but also added a profound sense of gratitude and celebration, honouring Maduka’s biopic-worthy journey. .
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