Ad van Luyn

Adrianus Herman (Ad) van Luyn, SDB, (Groningen, 10 August 1935) is a Dutch Roman Catholic bishop.


Early life and ordination

Van Luyn attended the seminary of the Salesians in Ugchelen. He made his religious vows in 1954. He studied theology at the Salesian Pontifical University in Turin. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1964 by Giuseppe Beltrami, at that time apostolic nuncio in the Netherlands.


He has been bishop of the diocese of Rotterdam since 27 November 1993. Before that he was provincial superior of the Salesians in the Netherlands.

Pope John Paul II appointed him to the diocese of Rotterdam, succeeding Msgr. Bär. From 2008 to 2011 Msgr Van Luyn was the President of the Dutch Episcopal Conference. His motto is Collabora Evangelio.


Lisbon Treaty approval in Ireland

As COMECE president, bishop van Luyn welcomed the "clear and decisive outcome" of the vote, saying that it "raises the possibility of concluding the ratification process of the Lisbon Treaty by the end of this year".

