Action Force: International Heroes is a video game released by Virgin Games in 1987 for the Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64, and in 1988 for the Amstrad CPC. The game is set in the world of the Action Force (G.I. Joe) toys by Hasbro.
Cobra have launched a surprise attack on the island of Botsneda. In the panic of the evacuation, classified information has been left behind in the eastern sector. An Action Force team must cross to the eastern side of the island in a modified A.W.E. Striker to retrieve the data. Their path must be safely cleared of enemies and obstacles.
The player controls a helicopter which must clear the path for the Striker and its occupants across a dangerous landscape. Rivers may be crossed by picking up pontoon sections and moving them to create pontoon bridges.
The Sinclair Spectrum version of the game differs notably from the Commodore and Amstrad versions.
The Striker contains Flint, Lady Jaye and Quick Kick, while the player controls Snake Eyes, who is equipped with a helipack and an automatic rifle. The Striker will automatically stop when it meets an obstacle, and will begin moving again when the path is cleared. There are no enemy aircraft but missiles and aerial mines must be avoided or destroyed.
Action Force was a brand of European action figures initially based on Action Man in the 1980s. It was also used to introduce G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero toys to European markets. Several publishing companies have produced comic books based on the figures.
The Action figures were first produced in 1982 by Palitoy Limited and released in two waves. They were a response to falling sales of the company's larger Action Man and the comparative success of the smaller Star Wars action figures, which the company was licensed to sell in Europe.
Called Action Force, the figures were a mixture of historical military figures (e.g. Desert Rat and German Storm trooper characters) and more contemporary soldiers (e.g. Arctic and Naval Assault characters). In contrast to G.I. Joe figures, the toys were kept international by including British, German, Australian and American soldiers. Unlike later releases, however, the first figures were not accompanied by file cards giving back-stories, nor were they featured in comic books (other than a series of mini-comics that were packaged with some of the vehicles, notably the AF-3 and AF-5).
Action Force is a 1980s range of European action figures.
Action Force may also refer to: