The Aqua Traiana (later rebuilt and named the Acqua Paola) was a 1st-century Roman aqueduct built by Emperor Trajan and inaugurated on 24 June 109 AD. It channelled water from sources around Lake Bracciano, 40 kilometers (25 mi) north-west of Rome, to Rome in ancient Roman times but had fallen into disuse by the 17th century. It fed a number of water mills on the Janiculum, including a sophisticated mill complex revealed by excavations in the 1990s under the present American Academy in Rome. Some of the Janiculum mills were famously put out of action by the Ostrogoths when they cut the aqueduct in 537 during the first siege of Rome. Belisarius restored the supply of grain by using mills floating in the Tiber. The complex of mills bears parallels with a similar complex at Barbegal in southern Gaul.
Both the ancient Aqua Traiana and the modern Acqua Paola were fed by a collection of aquifer sources in the hills around the volcanic basin of Lake Bracciano. The Italian archaeologist Alberto Cassio in his Route of the Ancient Waters, and his successor Rodolfo Lanciani in 1881 in his Commentary on Frontinus list the sources in the following groups, running clockwise around the lake from Bracciano:
Everybody talkin' 'bout heav'n that ain't goin' there
Everybody talkin' 'bout heav'n that ain't goin'
Everybody talkin' 'bout heav'n that ain't goin' there
Oh my Lord
Repeat Chorus (x2)
Well I read about the streets of gold
And I read about the throne
Not everybody callin' "Lord, Lord"
Is gonna see that heavenly home
Repeat Chorus
Additive Parts:
1 - But those who do the will of my God will enter heaven
2 - If you wanna go to heaven, you gotta do more than talk about it
3 - Oh heaven, to heaven, to heaven
4 - If you wanna go to heaven, to heaven, to heaven
5 - Heaven, I wanna go to heaven
Repeat ad lib
There will come a day
When we will all stand before the throne
On that day, some will say
"Did we not prophesy in your name?"
And they'll say:
"We drove out demons in your name"
I know some will say:
"We performed many miracles in your name"
Some will say
"So many works we've done in your name"
Then the Lord will say:
"Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity
I never knew you"
That's why I know
Repeat Chorus (x2)
Oh my Lord
Oh my Lord