An acid (from the Latin acidus/acēre meaning sour) is a chemical substance whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts. An aqueous solution of an acid has a pH of less than 7 and is colloquially also referred to as 'acid' (as in 'dissolved in acid'), while the strict definition refers only to the solute. An acid usually contains a hydrogen atom bonded to a chemical structure that is still energetically favorable after loss of H+ (a positive hydrogen ion or proton). A lower pH means a higher acidity, and thus a higher concentration of positive hydrogen ions in the solution. Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are said to be acidic.
There are three common definitions for acids: the Arrhenius definition, the Brønsted-Lowry definition, and the Lewis definition. The Arrhenius definition defines acids as substances which increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+), or more accurately, hydronium ions (H3O+), when dissolved in water. The Brønsted-Lowry definition is an expansion to include solvents other than water: an acid is a substance which can act as a proton donor. By this definition, any compound which can be deprotonated can be considered an acid. Examples include alcohols and amines which contain O-H or N-H fragments. A Lewis acid is a substance that can accept a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond. Examples of Lewis acids include all metal cations, and electron-deficient molecules such as boron trifluoride and aluminium trichloride.
Acid is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files including Each time an infected file is executed, Acid infects all of the .EXE files in the current directory. Later, if an infected file is executed, it infects the .COM files in the current directory. Programs infected with Acid will have had the first 792 bytes of the host program overwritten with Acid's own code. There will be no file length increase unless the original host program was smaller than 792 bytes, in which case it will become 792 bytes in length. The program's date and time in the DOS disk directory listing will not be altered.
The following text strings are found in infected files:
Acid (often written ACID; Burmese: အက်စစ်, Burmese pronunciation: [ʔɛʔ sɪʔ]) is a Burmese hip hop group often credited with releasing Burma's first hip hop album, Beginning, in 2000. Two of the group's founders were later imprisoned for the group's allegedly pro-democracy lyrics.
Acid was founded by Zayar Thaw, Annaga, Hein Zaw and Yan Yan Chan. In 2000, Acid released Burma's first hip-hop album, Beginning. Despite predictions of failure by many in the Burmese music industry, Beginning remained in the number one position of the Burmese charts for more than two months. A Democratic Voice of Burma reporter described the group's music as blending a "combative, angry style with indigenous poeticism".
The band's repertoire has been said to contain many "thinly veiled attacks" on Burma's military government, the State Peace and Development Council.The Independent stated that while the band "focused on the mundane, their lyrics inevitably touched on the hardships of life in Burma, drawing them into dangerous territory."
Square is a studio album by Canadian hip hop musician Buck 65. It was released on WEA in 2002. Though it consists of four tracks, each track consists of multiple songs.
It was nominated for the 2003 Juno Awards for Alternative Album of the Year and Album Design of the Year.
Rollie Pemberton of Pitchfork Media gave Square a 7.0 out of 10 and called it "a melodic mix of folk rock sensibility, smooth early 90s style production, clever lyrical observations and a relatively enjoyable train ride into the mental station of Halifax's best-known emcee." Meanwhile, Clay Jarvis of Stylus Magazine gave the album a grade of B+, saying, "Square is built solely out of his strengths: hazy introspection, sparse snare-and-kick beats and simple, dismal instrumental refrains."
The term to square a yard is used when sailing a square-rigged ship.
To "square a yard" is to lay the yards at right angles to the line of the keel by trimming with the braces.
"Squaring a yard" adjusts the position of the square sails so that they are perpendicular to the keel of the ship. This is done in order to "run before the wind', i.e., sail with the wind directly behind the vessel rather than tacking.
When a square-rigger is running downwind, and the yards are positioned perpendicular to the line of the keel, both sheets that control the yard (braces) are tied off aft (i.e., straight back), leading to the figurative phrase "Both sheets aft."
"Both sheets aft, The situation of a square-rigged ship that sails before the wind, or with the wind right astern. It is said also of a half-drunken sailor rolling along with his hands in his pockets and elbows square."
"Square ... A term peculiarly appropriated to the yards and their sails. Thus, when the yards hang at right angles with the mast they are said to be 'square by the lifts;' when perpendicular to the ship's length, they are 'square by the braces;' but when they lie in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the keel, they arc 'square by the lifts and braces.' The yards are said to be very square when they are of extraordinary length, and the same epithet is applied to their sails with respect to their breadth."
In cryptography, Square (sometimes written SQUARE) is a block cipher invented by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. The design, published in 1997, is a forerunner to Rijndael, which has been adopted as the Advanced Encryption Standard. Square was introduced together with a new form of cryptanalysis discovered by Lars Knudsen, called the "Square attack".
The structure of Square is a substitution-permutation network with eight rounds, operating on 128-bit blocks and using a 128-bit key.
Square is not patented.