Achmea Holding N.V. is one of the largest suppliers of financial services (mainly insurance) in the Netherlands. The company is a result of a merger between Zilveren Kruis and Avéro Centraal Beheer Groep (AVCB) on January 1, 1995. The roots of Achmea date back to 1811 when the Frisian accountant, Ulbe Piers Draisma, founded the "Onderlinge Brand Assurantie Sociëteit (Achlum)" in Achlum, Frisia, the Netherlands.
In 2000 Achmea became a part of Eureko BV, which in 2011 merged with the Dutch parent company Achmea N.V. to form Achmea B.V. The Vereniging Achmea (association) owns or controls 63.3% of Achmea B.V. of its votes, the Dutch bank Rabobank owns or controls 31.3% of the shares, the other 5.4% of the shares are owned or controlled by strategic partners.
Achmea brands include Agis, Avéro, Centraal Beheer, FBTO, Interpolis, Syntrus and Zilveren Kruis (often suffixed by 'Achmea').
Of the ten largest insurance companies in the Netherlands, Achmea is one of the two that was found in a 2015 investigation to not invest in arms trade to dictatorships, fragile states and corrupt countries (ASR being the other one).
Quelle que soit l'envie
Quelle que soit la vie
Para?tre autre chose comme jouer un r?le
Demande beaucoup plus qu'il n'y parait
J'en suis l'exemple m?me
Comme une deuxi?me peau brod?e par l'habitude
Faite sur mesure pour cacher ce que je suis
Je ne suis rien du tout...
Mon id?al
Haut, toujours plus haut
Tu crois que para?tre ou savoir ?tre
Fait de toi quelqu'un d'autre
Mais le charisme se fait - je sais - avant l'attitude...