Abdul Alim, also transliterated Abdul Aleem, (Arabic: عبد العليم) is a male Muslim given name. It is built from the Arabic words Abd, al- and Alim. The name means "servant of the All-knowing", Al-'Alīm being one of the names of God in the Qur'an, which give rise to the Muslim theophoric names.
The letter a of the al- is unstressed, and can be transliterated by almost any vowel, often by u. So the first part can appear as Abdel, Abdul or Abd-al. The second part can be spelled Alim or Aleem, or in other ways, with the whole name subject to variable spacing and hyphenation.
It may refer to:
Abdul Aleem' former Vice-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University from 1968 - 1974.
Siddiqui is a family name or surname. Siddiqui means The Truthful in Arabic. Siddiquis are spread all over the world mainly the Middle east, Asia Pacific and Europe. Siddiquis are the descendants of the first Muslim Caliph Abu Bakr as-Siddiq of the Rashidun Caliphate (The four Rightly guided Calips). The title "Siddiq" .(The Truthful) was given to Abu Bakr by the Prophet Mohammad himself. Siddiqui is sometimes also rendered as Siddiqi, Sediqi, Siddique, Siddiquee, Siddighi, Sadighi, Seddighi, Sidiki, Siddiki, or Siddiquie.
The Siddiqui surname is found among a number of ethnic groups and communities after its spread from Middle East to Africa, Central Asia, and South Asia.
Between 1690 and the early 20th century, the District of Badaun, in India, was ruled by the Rohilla Siddiqi Nawabs.