Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia

The Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia, known more commonly by its Yugoslav abbreviation AVNOJ, (Serbo-Croatian: Antifašističko Vijeće Narodnog Oslobođenja Jugoslavije, AVNOJ) was the political umbrella organization for the national liberation councils of the Yugoslav resistance against the Axis occupation during World War II. It eventually became the Yugoslav provisional wartime deliberative body. It was established on November 26, 1942 to administer terrorities under the control of the Partisans.

First session of the AVNOJ

After the Yugoslavian army capitulated on April 17, 1941, Yugoslavia was distributed between Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary and the newly formed puppet states: Independent State of Croatia, Independent State of Montenegro, Albanian Kingdom and Nedić Serbia. Opposition to these occupation regimes caused the formation of resistance movements, resulting in the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY), then only active in the underground but fast gaining popularity, assuming the role of leading the forces in the Yugoslavian resistance. The CPY as an organisation comprised people from, and drew support from, the whole of Yugoslavia; as such, it represented a single Yugoslav identity.




by: Z Prochek

Prejudiced souls
Now step away
You have caused too much already
You're about to go down
If you don't end this here and now
Hateful ones
Just say goodbye
Unmask yourselves
It's time to face the ultimate price
For your actions
You were judging me
You were judging them
For not being you
Are you happy with yourself
As you're apparently never pleased
And I know life will go on
Yours will too
But you'll never really live
Cause your hearts are blank
Cause your minds are all corrupted
Fearful ones
Your predetermining thoughts
Will not bother no more
Your time is up
Your sorry minds will be isolated
Taken away
We'll let you drown in your fear
We'll let you die in your lack of knowledge
You had your chance
Like I had mine
Who are you to judge me anyway
