ARexx is an implementation of the REXX language for the Amiga, written in 1987 by William S. Hawes, with a number of Amiga-specific features beyond standard REXX facilities. Like most REXX implementations, ARexx is an interpreted language. Programs written for ARexx are called "scripts", or "macros"; several programs offer the ability to run ARexx scripts in their main interface as macros.
ARexx can easily communicate with third-party software that implements an "ARexx port". Any Amiga application or script can define a set of commands and functions for ARexx to address, thus making the capabilities of the software available to the scripts written in ARexx.
ARexx can direct commands and functions to several applications from the same script, thus offering the opportunity to mix and match functions from the different programs. For example, an ARexx script could extract data from a database, insert the data into a spreadsheet to perform calculations on it, then insert tables and charts based on the results into a word processor document.
Do you still keep my pictures in your frame?
Cause I still shut down with the sound of your name.
Do you still wanna talk to me like you used to?
Cause I could understand if you don't
I Wont... Call unless you call me first
Do you still keep my letters in your drawer
Cause I still have yours but I don't read them anymore
Do you still wanna kiss me like you used to
Cause I could understand if you don't
Do you still hold me close to your heart
Cause I still need you even though we are apart
Do you still wanna hole me like you used to?