The Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal (ANDVT) is a secure voice terminal for low bandwidth secure voice communications throughout the U.S. Department of Defense. Devices in the ANDVT family include the AN/USC-43 Tactical Terminal (TACTERM), the KY-99A Miniaturized Terminal (MINTERM), and the KY-100 Airborne Terminal (AIRTERM). ANDVT uses LPC-10 voice compression.
The functions of the MINTERM are similar to those of the TACTERM; its updated design includes an improved modular architecture, and it has been reduced in size. The MINTERM is lightweight, low-power, single channel, half-duplex, narrowband/wideband/wireline terminal providing secure voice and data communications with full key distribution and remote rekey capabilities. The MINTERM is certified to secure traffic up to TOP SECRET.
The MINTERM improvements include the following:
Jer er ramt nu
Når du danser så tæt på mig
Jeg må tage mig sammen nu
Og prøve at fortælle dig
Damn boy, damn boy
Du så hot hot
Damn boy, damn boy
Det så godt godt - godt
Lige meget hvad der sker
Lige meget hvad de sir
Det rør mig ik’
For du min nummer 1
Lad verden gå ned
Baby og ta’ mig med
I al evighed
Er du min nummer 1
Festen er slut nu
Men natten den er ung for mig
Så kom lad os smut’ nu
Vi ku snup’ en cab og ta’ hjem til dig