AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid) is a compound that is a specific agonist for the AMPA receptor, where it mimics the effects of the neurotransmitter glutamate.
There are several types of glutamatergic ion channels in the central nervous system including AMPA, kainic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) channels. In the synapse, these receptors serve very different purposes. AMPA can be used experimentally to distinguish the activity of one receptor from the other in order to understand their differing functions. AMPA generates fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP). AMPA activates AMPA receptors that are non-selective cationic channels allowing the passage of Na+ and K+ and therefore have an equilibrium potential near 0 mV.
AMPA is a chemical compound that is a specific agonist for the AMPA receptor.
AMPA may also refer to:
Did I really take her and keep her with me?
Cover her face up so she couldn't breathe?
Cut her eyeballs out so she couldn't see?
I still feel like she is looking at me.
Brought her to the basement and took off her clothes
Did I do the right thing?
God only knows!
Chorus x 4:
Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body
Take your heart out and consume
("God only knows!" throughout chorus)
Am I really like this? Is this really me?
Am I really the person I want to be?
Is it this life that has created me?
Am I a product of society?
Did I really eat pills cause everything's fucked?!
Can I fall asleep and just never wake up?!!
Chorus x 4:
Maybe I was only wondering if I could open up your body
Take your heart out and consume