AK Comics
AK Comics is an Egyptian-based superhero comic publishing company, and the first large scale production of the genre in the Middle East. The company was founded by Dr. Ayman Kandeel, (hence the initials); Dærick Gröss, Sr. is the editor-in-chief; Waleed Al-Telbany is the art director; Mohie El-Dein Sideiq is the Arabic-language editor and Sara Kareem is the English-language editor.
AK Comics first began publishing monthly titles in February 2004, and its comics are produced in both Arabic and English. The comics are collectively titled Middle East Heroes.
AK Comics are heavily influenced by American comics giants DC Comics and Marvel, as well as British comics (for example, 2000 AD), Japanese animation, and even the Kill Bill movies.
As explained in the first inside page of various issues, the intention is "to fill the cultural gap created over the years by providing essentially Arab role models, in our case, Arab superheroes, to become a source of pride to our young generations."