AGLC may refer to:

  • Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission, an agency of the Government of the Canadian province of Alberta,
  • Australian Guide to Legal Citation, the predominant style guide for law journals in Australia.
  • Atlanta Gas Light Company, the largest natural gas wholesaler in the Southeastern USA.
  • Alan Gilbert Learning Commons, a landmark building at the University of Manchester, UK.
  • AGLC Imbel, a .308 sniper rifle manufactured in Brasil.
  • Amazing Grace Lutheran Church, similar name used by multiple churches.
  • Podcasts:


    Why You Ago Look

    by: Christafari

    In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty.
    Why do you look for the living among the dead? Why do
    You look for the living among the dead? Ignoring what
    So many prophets & so many righteous man said. What
    They said. Yet you still look for the living among the
    So tell me what them do.
    Mistaking the messenger for his message, mistaking the
    Prophet for whom he represents, mistaking the king for
    The King of all Kings, mistaking the singer for the
    One he sings.
    Why do you look for the living among the dead? Why do
    You look for the living among the dead?
    Mistaking what so many prophets & so many righteous
    Man said. What they said. Yet you still look for the
    Living among the dead.
    A fool is going to thirst in a world full of seas.
    What does it take to make a blind man see? A burning
    Bush to explode in his face, before he finally sees
    The Father's grace.
    Why do you look for the living among the dead? Why do
    You look for the living among the dead? Your Praising
    What so many prophets & so many righteous man said.
    What they said. Yet you still look for the living
    Among the dead. Tell me what them do?
    Mistaking the messenger for his message, mistaking the
    Prophet for whom he represents, mistaking the king for
    The King of all Kings, mistaking the singer for the
    One he sings.
    Why do you look for the living among the dead? Why do
    You look for the living among the dead? Praising so
    Many prophets & so many men who are dead. They're now
    Dead. Yet you still look for the living among the
    Dead. So tell me what them do...
    A fool is going to thirst, roll away roll away. A fool
    Is going to thirst roll away stone. A fool is going to
    Thirst roll away roll away. A fool is going to thirst

    Latest News for: aglc


    AGLC pauses storage fees for Alberta vendors with U.S. liquor stuck in warehouse

    CBC 14 Mar 2025
    Alberta liquor agencies whose purchased U.S. products are stuck in a warehouse will not be charged storage fees for up to three months, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis said in a bulletin all agents Thursday ... .
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