ADABAS (an acronym for Adaptable DAta BAse System) is Software AG’s primary database management system.
Initially released in 1971 on IBM mainframe systems using DOS/360, OS/MFT or OS/MVT, ADABAS, as of 2014, is available on a range of other systems including Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows servers. ADABAS has Parallel Sysplex support, real-time replication capability, and SQL and XML access. Historically, ADABAS was used in conjunction with Software AG's programming language NATURAL, so that many legacy applications that use ADABAS as a database on the back-end are developed with NATURAL.
ADABAS is an inverted list database, with the following characteristics:
You're dead you fuck
You're dead at my feet
My revenge is almost complete
Your eyes staring
Staring into space
Seeing nothing, no heartbeat
Limp cadaver shut up forever
Life snuffed with no remorse
I will humiliate your corpse
You lay dead I laugh alive
My blood pumps, adrenaline rises
Can't help laughing as I look
At your corpse underfoot
Stepping on your chest
I yank down my pants
My butthole dialating
To humiliate your corpse
You lay there limp contorted
I pinch a loaf for you
Your face is spattered with my shit
A pile of brown on blue
You're dead you fuck
You're dead at my feet
My revenge is now complete
Your eyes staring
Staring into space
As my urine dribbles down your face
Life snuffed with no remorse