A4160 road
The A4160 is the old road connecting central Penarth with Cardiff in Wales, although now the A4055 and A4232 has subsequently become the main route from Penarth to central Cardiff and Cardiff Bay
The route begins at Fitzalan Place on the junction at Newport Road (A4161) and West Grove. It heads south along Fitzalan Place and then westerly along Adam Street and Bute Terrace and for a short stretch south along Bute Street before entering Callaghan Square and joining Penarth Road, continuing in a southwesterly direction. It crosses through the Penarth Road commercial district then crosses the River Ely and passes under the A4232 road, after which it turns to a south easterly direction. It ends in the town centre of Penarth.
Current route of the A4160
From east to west it runs through the following roads in Cardiff and Penarth:
Fitzalan Place
Adam Street
Bute Terrace
Bute Street
Callaghan Square
Penarth Road
Cogan Hill
Windsor Road
Google Maps UK
See also
Transport in Cardiff