DMT may refer to the following:
2,alpha-DMT, or 2,α-dimethyltryptamine, is a tryptamine and a lesser-known psychedelic drug. It is the 2,a-dimethyl analog of DMT. 2,α-DMT was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin. In his book TiHKAL (Tryptamines I Have Known and Loved), Shulgin lists the dosage as 300-500 mg, and the duration as 7-10 hours. 2,α-DMT causes mydriasis and paresthesia. It also produces a calm, drunk-like feeling. Very little data exists about the pharmacological properties, metabolism, and toxicity of 2,α-DMT.
The divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), also known as natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 2 (NRAMP 2), and divalent cation transporter 1 (DCT1), is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC11A2 (solute carrier family 11, member 2) gene. DMT1 represents a large family of orthologous metal ion transporter proteins that are highly conserved from bacteria to humans.
As its name suggests, DMT1 binds a variety of divalent metals including cadmium (Cd2+), copper (Cu2+), and zinc (Zn2+,,) however it is best known for its role in transporting ferrous iron (Fe2+); DMT1 expression is regulated by body iron stores to maintain iron homeostasis. DMT1 is also important in the absorption and transport of manganese (Mn2+). In the digestive tract, it is located on the apical membrane of enterocytes, where it carries out H+ coupled transport of divalent metal cations from the intestinal lumen into the cell.
Toxic accumulation of divalent metals, especially iron and/or manganese, are frequently discussed aetiological factors in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and multiple sclerosis. DMT1 may be the major transporter of manganese across the blood brain barrier and expression of this protein in the nasal epithelium provides a route for direct absorption of metals into the brain. DMT1 expression in the brain may increase with age, increasing susceptibility to metal induced pathologies. DMT1 expression is found to be increased in the substantia nigra of Parkinson's patients and in the ventral mesencephalon of animal models intoxicated with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) - a neurotoxin widely used experimentally to produce Parkinsonian symptoms.
Call may refer to:
A caller is a person who prompts dance figures in such dances as line dance, square dance, and contra dance. The caller might be one of the participating dancers, though in modern country dance this is rare.
In round dance a person who performs this function is called a cuer. Their role is fundamentally the same as a caller, in that they tell dancers what to do in a given dance, though they differ on several smaller points. In northern New England contra dancing, the caller is also known as the prompter.
Callers and cuers serve slightly different functions in different types of dance. Improvisation in modern Western square dance calling distinguishes it from the calling in many other types of dance.
Callers in many dance types are expected to sing and to be entertaining, but round dance cuers do not sing and are expected to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Standardized dances such as round dance, modern Western square dance, and Salsa Rueda consist of a number of defined difficulty levels. Callers and cuers are responsible for knowing all of the calls or cues (respectively), also known as figures, for the defined difficulty level at which their dancers are dancing, as well as all figures belonging to lower or easier levels.
In the game of poker, the play largely centers on the act of betting, and as such, a protocol has been developed to speed up play, lessen confusion, and increase security while playing. Different games are played using different types of bets, and small variations in etiquette exist between cardrooms, but for the most part the following rules and protocol are observed by the majority of poker players.
Players in a poker game act in turn, in clockwise rotation (acting out of turn can negatively affect other players). When it is a player's turn to act, the first verbal declaration or action she takes binds her to her choice of action; this rule prevents a player from changing her action after seeing how other players react to her initial, verbal action.
Until the first bet is made each player in turn may "check," which is to not place a bet, or "open," which is to make the first bet. After the first bet each player may "fold," which is to drop out of the hand losing any bets they have already made; "call," which is to match the highest bet so far made; or "raise," which is to increase the previous high bet.
Bought a brand new car
Driving down the boulevard
Turn the corner
Like I wanna be chilin' hard
The screen is set
For me to get wet
Cause it wouldn't be right
If the ladies didn't sweat
Pull the seat back
To make contact
Eye to eye
You know I ain't living like that
I wear shades
I get paid
And when it comes to girls
And cops I can't get played
Fly girls that
Used to ignore me
I pull up
And let the car speak for me
(beep beep)
Enough said
Better hop in while the light's still red
Homeboys scatter
What's the matter
("Here come the cops")
Oh yeah that again
Rather than
Beating them down
I just talk to the men
They don't understand how I've got so much cash
Then I get mad and tell them to ask
Their daughter
I bet she bought a
Kool Moe Dee tape
For her recorder
We're not always
Thieves and thugs
And what law says
We gotta sell drugs
I get paid
And I'm making a killin'
But when I come home
I just like chillin'
On the
Avenue, a-avenue (4x)
That's where the stars go
On the weekend
It's like a car show
Ladies flock to jock
Cars go by them
If I'm walking and talking
They ask what ya driving
When I peep that
Same old weak rap
Ask her her language
Tell her I don't speak that
Pull out a "G"
A car key and a Visa
Walk her to the car
Leave her there "see ya"
She didn't want
Nothin' else but a payday
Now she's sinking
Hollering Mayday
I knew her card
Cause two days ago
I saw that same slick girl
In a broken-down Yugo
With a hustler
Layin' low
Couldn't drive his Benz
Cause the cops said so
Your homeboy got shot
In front of your crack spot
You move cause it got to hot
But not on that block
The cops are watching
Baiting and plotting
Setting you up
For the raid in the block and
When they come
You all got to go
But not Kool Moe
Cause they all know
The knot I got
Is way over their knot
But I'm working
That's why they're not
After me
They're after you
Cause I'm just chillin'
On the
Avenue, a-avenue (4x)
Homeboys wanna get paid
We can do this
the right way
You'll get money and respect
Livin' large and correct
Then come back through the neighborhood
When you look good
We all look good
Cause it's all for one
And one for all
It's got to be a better way