7de Laan is a South African Afrikaans soap opera with some English and Zulu and Afrikaans dialogue in between. It features English subtitles. It started in 2000 and is broadcast evenings on SABC 2 from Monday to Friday at 18:27–18:59.
It is set in and around the fictional Sewende Laan ("Seventh Avenue") in the suburb of Hillside, Johannesburg where all the characters live or work. The street and shopfronts which are featured on the opening visuals, are that of Seventh Street in Melville, Johannesburg.
Sewende Laan was originally broadcast from Monday to Thursday, then later broadcast on Fridays as well, as a daily soap. Ratings are generally around the 2 million mark according to tvsa.co.za.
The series' signature opening violin-tune, played by the Soweto String Quartet, became one of South Africa's most iconic tunes. The theme-tune is so well-loved, that many viewers complained when the instantly recognizable tune was replaced, for the first time in 15 years, by a newer more modern theme in 2015.
God of Amenity?
More like rules the world.
But tonight she may fall,
Demon of insanity.
Will her strength last until
The end of days,
The end of days?
I shed wine
Staring evolution.
The stupids ignorant,
They must be choked by wine.
You must be a loving god
Who taste it out of time.
Should I drown in all your sense,
A world of mental demise?
While she falls on her knees
The angel flies,
But the people don't scatter,
They reunite.
After periods of firing
Insanity, the fires stop.
Then therefore you will rule, monarch.
Feel the strenght enter your soul, Maniken melt.
Stop the Demon and start