78 Saab were a rock band from Australia that consisted of Ben Nash (vocals and guitar), Jake Andrews (guitar and vocals), Garth Tregillgas (bass and vocals) and Nicholai Danko (drums and percussion). The band has stated that it was influenced by acts such as the Rolling Stones, R.E.M. and The Church. After forming in Canberra, Australia, during the summer of 1995-6, they relocated to Sydney in February 1997.
78 Saab formed at the Australian National University, with the original members being Nash, Tregillgas, Darren Smith and Christovac Thompson. For the purpose of attaining live performance experience, they entered the Australian National Campus Band Competition in 1996, with the band name chosen spontaneously in order to complete the entry form. In a 2007 interview, Nash explained the inspiration for the "last minute" title:
At the time, the major sponsor of the competition was Troy Horse, a Sydney based rehearsal studio that also operated a record label. The competition's first prize included an EP to be recorded and released by Troy Horse and a tour of Australian university campuses. 78 Saab won the competition and as a result recorded their debut EP, Eastwards By Removal at Troy Horse's studio in Alexandria, Sydney.
You may not care but don't be naive
Well take The best The positive aspect
Have some friends and a punkska band
I guess that's The key to your sobriety
Even if you're a pervert use your head
Before you date this girl, you better sure you've bled
It's o.k. you'll do some mistakes
Like Ace Ventura with Snowflakes
Life is like diskathing
And someday you'll have a lovely wife
You'll do like O.J. and kill her with a knife
You'll obey to your bastard dog
Live across The street from a big fat slob
You will be a fucking statistic
Another man without a diploma
But after all you'll be happy
Cause you know man, this is The key
Ba-ba-ba, ba-Barbara ann!!! [x3]