7680 Cari

7680 Cari is a main belt asteroid with a perihelion of 2.1358561 AU. It has an eccentricity of 0.2096798 and an orbital period of 1620.3635772 days (4.44 years).

Calinger has an average orbital speed of 18.11989465 km/s and an inclination of 8.70123°.

This asteroid was discovered on April 16, 1996.

This asteroid is named after Amleto Cari, a footballer.


External links

  • 7680 Cari at the JPL Small-Body Database
  • Discovery · Orbit diagram · Orbital elements · Physical parameters

  • Podcasts:



    by: GWAR

    Vile forms of Necros lie rotting my mind
    Feasting like maggots - maggots in flesh
    So left your ruined cortex behind
    Now the maggot knows glee as it nibbles on your spine!
    Maggots! Maggots!
    Maggots are falling like rain!
    Putrid pus-pools vomit blubonic plague
    The bowels of the beast reek of puke
    How to describe such vileness on the page
    World maggot waits for the end of the age!
    Beneath a sky of maggots I walked
    Until those maggots began to fall
    I gaped at God to receive my gift
    Bathed in maggots till the planet shit
    [Repeat chorus a lot]
