6L6 is the designator for a vacuum tube introduced by Radio Corporation of America in July 1936. At the time Philips had already developed and patented power pentode designs, which were fast replacing power triodes due to their greater efficiency. The beam tetrode design of the 6L6 allowed RCA to circumvent Philips' pentode patent.
The 6L6 is a descendant of the "Harries Valve" developed by British engineer J. Owen Harries and marketed by the Hivac Co. Ltd. in 1935. Harries is believed to have been the first engineer to discover the "critical distance" effect, which maximized the efficiency of a power tetrode, by positioning its anode at a distance which is a specific multiple of the screen grid-cathode distance. This design also minimized interference of secondary emission electrons dislodged from the anode.
EMI engineers Cabot Bull and Sidney Rodda improved the Harries design with a pair of beam plates, connected to the cathode, which directed the electron streams into two narrow areas and also acted like a suppressor grid to redirect some secondary electrons back to the anode. The beam tetrode design was also undertaken to avoid the patents which the giant Philips firm held on power pentodes in Europe. Because this overall design eliminated the "tetrode kink" (negative resistance) in the lower parts of the tetrode's voltage-current characteristic curves, which sometimes caused tetrode amplifiers to become unstable, MOV (Marconi-Osram Valve, a subsidiary of EMI jointly owned with General Electric Company plc) marketed this tube family under the sobriquet "KT", meaning "kinkless tetrode".
Las penas se van y vuelven a estar ancladas en un mar
Que suele callar tus lagrimas, tu devocion
Un pez que vence todo su temor
Para vivir, para existir
Y descubrirse cada dia mas
Intenta amar un trozo de ese mar
Inunda mi paz la inmensidad de esta verdad
No impedira que pueda nadar
Dentro de ti para sentir
Y descubrirte cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
El tiempo se va muy lejos atras
Y ahora estoy y tambien soy
El hombre que busca una razon
Para vivir, para decir
Que hoy te quiero cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que te estoy amando
Nuestro amor se esta enfriando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando