55 Pandora is a fairly large and very bright asteroid in the asteroid belt. Pandora was discovered by American astronomer and catholic priest George Mary Searle on September 10, 1858 from the Dudley Observatory near Albany, NY. It was his first and only asteroid discovery.
It is named after Pandora, the first woman in Greek mythology, who unwisely opened a box that released evil into the world. The name was apparently chosen by Blandina Dudley, widow of the founder of the Dudley Observatory, who had been involved in an acrimonious dispute with astronomer B. A. Gould. Gould felt that the name had an "apt significance". The asteroid shares its name with Pandora, a moon of Saturn.
Photometric observations of this asteroid at the Rozhen Observatory in Bulgaria during 2010 gave a light curve with a period of 4.7992 hours and a brightness variation of Δm=0.22 mag. This is consistent with a period of 4.804 hours and an amplitude of 0.24 obtained during a 1977 study.
Recent analysis has identified Pandora as the second-largest of the E-type asteroids, after 44 Nysa.
I see you had your mind all made up you group of
Pitiful liars. Before I woke to face the day, your master
Plan transpired. -Something told me- this job had more to
Meet the eye. My song is not believed? My words some-
What deceiving? Now I'm unwhole.
You've waged a war of nerves
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.
You cry for compensation. I ask you please just give
5 minutes alone.. Just give us, 5 minutes alone
I read your eyes, your mind was made up. You took me for
A fool. You used complexion of my skin for a counter
Rascist tool. -You can't burn me- I've spilled my guts
In the past. Taken advantage of because you know where
I've come. My past.
You've waged a war of nerves
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.
I bury your compensation. I ask you please just give