Talpa Media Holding is the holding company in which John de Mol, Jr. has transferred all of its media activities. Besides John de Mol, who as majority shareholder owns 80% of the company, Rabo Participaties owns a 20% stake in the media company. The holding company has amongst the 538 group with radio station Radio 538.
The Talpa Media Group is a large company that consists of, among other things, television, radio, internet and print activities.
The 538 Groep (English: 538 Group, officially Radio 538 B.V.) is a holding company of Talpa Media, in which various radio and television activities are housed. The group was founded on January 1, 2012. The group includes the radio stations Radio 538, Slam!FM, Juize and thematic channels (only on Internet): 538 Festival Radio, 538 NL, 538 IBIZA, 538 Dance Department, 53L8, Top 40 Radio, 538 Party, 538 Hitzone, TVOH Radio (only in a period when The Voice of Holland is on the television.) and Slam hardstyle. In addition, the television channels TV 538 and Slam!TV falls within this group.
071 lyrics
So you sit there all alone
Listen to the voice on the phone
So you can get satisfaction
From a lady taped in action
071, listen and have fun x2
So you stay in your flat
And you say like it like that
You don’t need anything else
Just listen and do what she tells
071, listen and have fun x2