To elope, most literally, means to run away and to not come back to the point of origin. More specifically, elopement is often used to refer to a marriage conducted in sudden and secretive fashion, usually involving a hurried flight away from one's place of residence together with one's beloved with the intention of getting married.
Today the term "elopement" is colloquially used for any marriage performed in haste, with a limited public engagement period or without a public engagement period. Some couples elope because they wish to avoid objections from parents, or religious obligations.
In England, a legal prerequisite of marriage is the "reading of the banns" — for the three Sundays prior to the intended date of the ceremony, the names of every couple intending marriage has to be read aloud by the priest(s) of their parish(es) of residence, or the posting of a 'Notice of Intent to Marry' in the registry office for Civil ceremonies. The intention of this is to prevent bigamy or other unlawful marriages by giving fair warning to anybody who might have a legal right to object. In practice, however, it also gives warning to the couples' parents, who sometimes objected on purely personal grounds. To contravene this law, it is necessary to get a special licence from the Archbishop of Canterbury — or to flee somewhere the law did not apply, across the border to Gretna Green, Scotland, for instance.
(One, two)
(One, two, three, four)
I don't need a spotlight
I've got a 60 watt bulb
It shines a light on the music I like
It shines a light on me and my friends
I've got a 60 watt bulb
And a concrete coat
It shines a light on me and my friends
It shines a light on the music I like
I've got a 60 watt bulb
My spotlight shining above
I'm gonna shine a light, a light on my friends
I'm gonna shine a light, a light on my friends
I've got a 60 watt bulb
My music and a concrete coat
I've got a 60 watt bulb
Sealed in my sleeping floor
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
I've got a 60 watt bulb
It's my bright idea
Stand close and I'll steam up your glasses
Beam my vision up your grainy asses
I've got a 60 watt bulb
My spotlight shining above
I've got a 60 watt bulb
Yeah, 60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb, yeah
I've got a 60 watt bulb
For the people not in love any more
For the people not in love any more
For all the people not in love any more
For the people not in love any more
For the people not in love any more
For the people not in love any more
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt bulb
60 watt
60 watt
60 watt