The 3B series computers were a line of micro-programmable minicomputers produced by AT&T Computer Systems's Western Electric subsidiary.
The original series of 3B computers include the models 3B20C, 3B20D, 3B21D, and 3B21E.
The 3B (3B20D/3B20C/3B21D/3B21E) is a 32-bit microprogrammed duplex (redundant) high availability processor unit with a real-time operating system. It is used in the telecommunications environment and was first produced in the late 1970s at the WECo factory in Lisle, Illinois. It uses the Duplex Multi Environment Real Time (DMERT) operating system which was renamed UNIX-RTR (Real Time Reliable) in 1982. The Data Manipulation Unit (DMU) provided arithmetic and logic operations on 32 bit words using AMD 2901 bipolar 4-bit processor elements. The first 3B20D was called the Model 1. Each processor's control unit consisted of two frames of circuit packs. The whole duplex system required many seven foot frames of circuit packs plus at least one tape drive frame (most telephone companies wrote billing data on magnetic tapes), and many washing machine sized (and look with the open top door) disk drives. For training and lab purposes a 3B20D could be divided into two "half-duplex" systems. A 3B20S consisted of most of the same hardware as a half-duplex but used a completely different operating system.
Wer sht dann, dat ich dich noch vermess un
Ich hing nur noch vr der Kess?Nchtelang, dat ess wirklich nit wohr.
N, em hnz, ich saach et dir, hhr mir joot zo:
Aff un zo sinn andre Fraue do, aff un zo.
Jo, ich kumme schon kloor.
Joot, ich drink jetz'e paar Droppe mieh,
Doch, wat soll't et deit ech nit mieh wieh.
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Htt sich rentiert, he ess nix mieh, wat zo dunn htt met dir, nur om
Flur dat verstemmte Klavier.
Ahnunfrsich denk ich kaum noch ahn dich,
Jarkei Problem ich hann alles om Schirm.
Ahnunfrsich denk ich kauf noch ahn dich,
Joot, ich hann lnger nit opjerhmp
Un dat Leejut knnt och weg, stemmp.
Vver nit, dat mer he nix mieh fingk,
Fing och nit, dat die Sphlmaschin
Noh Mllmmer stink
Un d Lou Reed noh Beerdijung klingk.
Wat wei ich, wovun d'm Augebleck singk!?
Nobby sht, et jv ene Typ,
Wo mer dich neuerdings off met sieht.
Denk jetz nit, dat mir dat ir'ndjet mht.
Jedenfalls, wenn d lppsch weed, roof ahn, saach
Mer Bescheid. Ich kumm jhn ens koot me'm Hammer vorbei un bring ihm