3568 ASCII is a small main belt asteroid discovered by Marguerite Laugier on October 17, 1936.
It was named (long after its discovery) in honor of the ASCII character encoding system that was used by most computers. The name was proposed by Syuichi Nakano, who re-discovered this asteroid during his stay at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory; a stay which was partially funded by articles he wrote for the principal Japanese microcomputer magazine, ASCII.
man on the bus screaming about presley man on the bus screaming about presley all tied up got a knot in his hands he says 'presley sucked on doggie dicks i'm the king of rock 'n roll if you don't like it you can lump it you gotta get me back to the base you gotta get me back to the base presleys been dead the body means nothing man in the back says presley sucked dicks with a picture of lil stevie over his head i'm in the back with a hole in my throat man on the bus screaming about presley rips a newspaper up in his hands helicopter shoots down a military spot everybody runs from screaming about presley