4th millennium
The fourth millennium of the Gregorian calendar will begin on January 1, 3001, and end on December 31, 4000. It will be the fourth millennium in the Anno Domini or Common Era.
Predicted/scheduled events
Global sea levels could rise by 6.8 metres (22 ft) by the 31st century under a high emissions scenario.
3015: A camera placed by Jonathon Keats will finish its exposure time after its placement at the ASU Art Museum in Tempe, Arizona, in 2015.
December 18, 3089: First transit of Venus which is not part of a pair since November 23, 1396.
3117: Minimum time by which, according to physicist Andrew Kennedy, humanity can expect to have reached Barnard's Star, assuming an annual economic growth rate (and corresponding increase in power output) of 1.4% from 2007.
Due to the precession of the equinoxes, γ Cephei will be the northern pole star between 3000 and 5200.
The Time pyramid, a public art work at Wemding, Germany, is scheduled for completion in 3183.
December 20, 3332: Transit of Venus.