Different fields provide differing definitions of similarity:
In linear algebra, two n-by-n matrices A and B are called similar if
for some invertible n-by-n matrix P. Similar matrices represent the same linear operator under two different bases, with P being the change of basis matrix.
A transformation is called a similarity transformation or conjugation of the matrix A. In the general linear group, similarity is therefore the same as conjugacy, and similar matrices are also called conjugate; however in a given subgroup H of the general linear group, the notion of conjugacy may be more restrictive than similarity, since it requires that P can be chosen to lie in H.
Similarity is an equivalence relation on the space of square matrices.
Similar matrices share any properties that are really properties of the represented linear operator:
Smile when you want and tell me your happy
Laugh when you want to tell me your true
Smile when you want and tell me your happy
Laugh when you want and tell me your through
I'm not happy, I'm not happy, I'm not happy
Smile when you want and tell me your happy
Laugh when you want to share your brew
Smile when you want to make it all crappy
Laugh when you want to tell me I'm through
You know, you know
Tell me what's all about, tell me what's it all about
You know, you know
Tell me what's all about, tell me what's it all about
You know, you know
Tell me what's all about, tell me what's it all about
You know, you know
What's it all about?
Smile when you want to tell me your happy
Laugh when you want to tell me your through
Smile when you want to make it all sappy