Emilie Autumn
in only six years
if it was an accident
where are the tears
I am still unidentified
behind the Cathidrial
is where my body hides
but im not inside
just one of six-teen
in early one day
if it was a game then
why could'nt I play
I am the abandener
but still I remain
as my frozen pulse quickenes
as the black plot thickens
like the story I heard
a lifetime ago
where a girl
and this is funny
took her life
and what she doesn't know
is how long it takes
for the water to rise
and the breath to stop fighting
and the cold to close her eyes
morality plays
on stages of sin
the easy way out
or the easy way in
I am still overglorified
my reasons to live
were my reasons to die
but at least they were mine
now I'm freedom unbound
cut the laces of life
the pistol
the poison
the noose
or the knife
I have chosen my instrument
and said no goodbyes
as my frozen pulse quickens
as the black plot thickenes
like the story I heard
a lifetime ago
where a girl
and this is funny
took her life
and what she doesn't know
is how long it takes
for the water to rise
and the breath to stop fighting