2Xtreme is a racing game released for the PlayStation in 1996 and a sequel to ESPN Extreme Games. It was sponsored by ESPN. In it, the player races against others in various events around the world using Rollerblading, skateboarding, biking, and snowboarding. A sequel, 3Xtreme, was released in 1999.
Tricks of different difficulties can be performed during the race to gain points and different-colored gates can be passed through for a variety of purposes. Players can also punch and kick opponents to knock them down. Health dictates how easily a player can be knocked over by an obstacle or other racer, and decreases when a player accelerates. 2Xtreme has four different difficulty levels. A player can choose in the options to race without the other computer characters, and also turn off fighting.
On 2Xtreme a player can either do a normal 'Exhibition' race or a season which involves all 12 tracks and creates standings based on the score the player achieves in each track. The score is calculated mainly by the time the player finishes in and place in the race. Points from gates, knockdowns and tricks are then added to this. On 2-player mode both for Exhibitions and Seasons the screen is split horizontally and both players start at the back of the race. This makes the game a little more difficult as it becomes harder to see and avoid the obstacles in your path.
Imprisoned in the cell of thoughts
In the spheres of no return
Insensible, unconscious beings
The reincarnation of the human thoughts
The creatures of energetic structures
Fleshless beings of astral creation
Lighter than air, lighter than gas
Infest the primal spheres of space
In the dimension where frost is the king
And for warmth there's no place
The occult beings forever dwell
Dwell in countless astral spheres
People born, people live, people die
Buildings ruin by the sands of time
But dimensions are stand constantly
Without any changing in structures
The cold endless universal paths
Giant realm of molecular shadows
Forever hold the gates opened wide