In preparation for Salaknib, soldiers from the Hawaii-based 2nd Battalion, 11th Field Artillery Regiment were at Fort Magsaysay on Luzon, where they swapped maintenance tips with their Philippine...
We're expecting a beautiful first weekend of spring ... According to military officials, the 2004EustisHigh School graduate entered the Army in 2005 and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team 2nd Infantry.
...25thInfantry Regiment ... In this role, he not only participated in the Tet Offensive, but accompanied the 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment during OperationFord, witnessing engagements with the NVA.
Howdy, I’m your host, HoustonMitchell. Let's get right to the news. From Dan Woike. The frustration was evident early ... “Too many... Continue reading here 1922 — Cornell wins the first IC4A indoor track meet held at the 2nd Regiment Armory in New York ... St.