27 Cygni is a star in the constellation Cygnus. Its apparent magnitude is 5.36. Located around 23.95 parsecs (78.1 ly) distant, it is a K-type subgiant of spectral type K0IV, a star that has used up its core hydrogen and is starting to expand. The star is an RS Canum Venaticorum variable, meaning that it is a close binary star whose components have star-spots, which cause variations in brightness.
Away i fall to you
To stay silent no more
Anyone with a clue wouldn't do as i've done
But the fear that you know is the fear you become to love
I want to say
I want to go
I'm so afraid
To be alone
All right, it's time for the truth
My love means more than i ever will
Anyone this confused needs someone show them the way to
If i just find the strength to forget myself
I want it all
I want nothing
I'm so afraid
I'm so afraid
I want to stay
I want to go
I'm so afraid
To be alone
Is this how my life is supposed to be
It's not enough, but too much for my heart to hold
Is this how my life is supposed to be