20 GOTO 10 was an art gallery founded by Christopher Abad in San Francisco, California, USA. Its name is a reference to the traditional looping 'Hello world' program written by beginner programmers. It featured both traditional and "hacker" art, with an emphasis on technology as art, or exhibits which make the potentially criminal or unethical aspects of computer security accessible to the public.
It received more prominent vlog,blog, and print news coverage when Kevin Olson displayed the first ever American showing of ANSI art in a physical art gallery. Jason Scott Sadofsky, creator of the BBS Documentary expressed interest in the custom LCD scrollers based on a Parallax chipset with a custom ANSI scroller to VGA output written in SPIN made solely for the ANSI gallery show.
The gallery was located at 679 Geary St. in San Francisco, and was defunct at this location as of Summer 2012.
Coordinates: 37°47′11″N 122°24′51″W / 37.78632°N 122.41430°W / 37.78632; -122.41430
Watching me fall
Into the flames
Of a broken soul tonight
No stone overturned
This graveyard of mine
Allows me no peace
Sleep as day dies
Sleepwalk with the dead
Wander aimlessly through the night
Love and regret
Course through my veins
As I slowly fade away
Please let me sleep
Just one last night
Before I must wake
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts
And I walk with these ghosts...
Sleep as night falls
Sleepwalk with the dead
Hope keeps me alive